Sponsor the Choir
The YPC is passionate about ensuring the highest quality live music remains available in our area.
You can really help us do this by becoming a sponsor in one of the following ways.
​Become a Patron of YPC
For a current yearly subscription of £180 (reviewed and notified annually)
Patrons receive the following exclusive benefits:
Two Annual Season tickets giving two reserved seats at each concert
Mid concert refreshments in separate designated area
Concert programme credits
Invitation to Open Rehearsals
Priority booking for named concerts
If you are interested in becoming a patron, please get in touch

Advertise in our concert programme
Provide us with your artwork for full page adverts in each concert programme throughout the season.
Concert/Event Sponsor
Benefits include:
Complimentary tickets
Invitation to interval drinks with conductor
Your corporate logo on promotional literature
Specific acknowledgement in the Concert/Event programme with a specific announcement of sponsorship at the Concert/Event
Half page advertising in the Concert/Event programme.

Season Sponsor
Benefits include:
All the benefits of a Concert/Event sponsor but applicable to all Concert/Event during the season, PLUS
20% discount on all concert tickets booked by your company or its employees
Your corporate logo added to the Choir’s literature and website
Website link to your corporate website
Invitation to post concert receptions
Discount on all YPC future CD recordings