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Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir – Back in full bloom!

As we start to put the winter months behind us and begin to look forward to the promises of spring with sunny days and the emergence of new life around us, what could be more befitting of the season than a performance of Haydn’s ever-popular oratorio ‘The Creation’ by the highly acclaimed Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir?

After two years of interruption through lockdowns and pandemic restrictions, the choir has managed to come back stronger than ever through online rehearsals, carefully crafted by Musical Director, Dr Andrew Padmore. The sessions were designed to maintain quality singing through vocal exercises, musical learning of repertoire in anticipation of better days to come and, of course, the social aspect that is so important to YPC members.

By September the choir were able to return to full rehearsals and November saw two short performances of choral favourites aptly entitled ‘Back with a Bang!’ which suited the occasion in many ways, not just the fact that it was Bonfire Night. Buoyed by their success, the Christmas concert followed a similar format with two short performances to build the confidence of singers and audience alike after such a long time. The magic of Christmas was evident throughout and it was clear that the New Year should see the return to full concerts.

The Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir will perform Haydn’s ‘The Creation’ in English, on Saturday 9th April without copies, an entire major work totally from memory with a full orchestra in the magnificence of Wakefield Cathedral, the first time on this scale since November 2019.

‘The Creation’ was written in 1796–1798 as a result of Haydn coming to London and hearing the great oratorios of Handel who inspired him to write an oratorio of his own, having concentrated most of his life on orchestral and instrumental music. Parts one and two describe the six days of Creation as told in the Bible in the book of Genesis.

Part three is devoted to Adam and Eve who sing of the wonder of the new created world. Haydn uses musical word painting to great effect, especially in the creation of light which never fails to stun an audience as the hushed stillness changes to a sudden fortissimo chord from both choir and orchestra on the words ‘Let there be light.’ The whole work is a fusion of exuberance and classical elegance and is still delighting audiences over two hundred years since it was first performed.

With a trio of outstanding soloists of international acclaim – Sarah Power (Soprano), Austin Gunn (Tenor) and Jamie W. Hall (Baritone) – and the Amici Ensemble, this promises to be a joyous, uplifting performance indicative of the eager energy of the choir and its optimism and appreciation of a full return to choral music at last.

Tickets are available from the YPC Box Office, £17, £15 seniors £5


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