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A message from the Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir to our supporters and friends

At the start of this season, in those ‘pre-Covid 19’ days of last September, I could never have dreamed I would be writing anything like this to you, the loyal supporters and friends of the YPC.

Not only are we missing making music for all of us to enjoy and benefit from, but we are missing you, your support and your encouraging faces in the audience. When we will be able to do that again - at this stage - who can tell AND will/can it ever be the same again?

So, where are we and what are we planning?

Like most musical organisations we stopped all our regular rehearsals and meetings in mid March. As a choir, we have developed a weekly ‘Virtual Rehearsal’ delivered through the ‘Members' Section’ of our website under the title ‘Rompons le silence’ (Breaking the Silence) - a line from one of our favourite sung works, Faure’s ‘Cantique de Jean Racine’.

This weekly ‘Virtual rehearsal’ is intended to keep our voices in reasonable order, keep us abreast of repertoire as well as to maintain some social cohesion during this enforced absence. Each week this can comprise vocal exercises and repertoire rehearsal guides (prepared by Andrew our MD), plus social sharing & chat, quizzes and musical clips from You Tube, funny and serious. It’s timed to be available each week at 7.30pm on a Tuesday Evening, to allow us to still meet as a choir in rehearsal at our ‘normal time’, even though in our own homes. It then remains available for ongoing use by members. We intend to carry on with this until our official summer break starts from 14 July.

At the end of April, we officially closed the 2019/20 Season as regards the possibility of returning to any regular rehearsal or performance before that 14 July date.

The two concerts remaining in the 2019/20 Season have been postponed with the planned intention that they now be performed as follows:

(Originally Sat 4th April 2020)

  • Dona Nobis Pacem (R Vaughan Williams)

  • Magnificat (J Rutter)

Re-scheduled Date: Saturday 7 November 2020

(Originally Sat 13th June 2020)

  • This Precious Earth ( J Bielby)

  • Eternal Light (H Goodall)

Re-scheduled Date: Saturday 15 May 2021

Of course we are hoping that as from September we will be able to begin the 2020/21 season under something like ‘normal’ conditions, but in all honesty, no one can say that will be the case, as for understandable reasons it does seem likely that indoor Leisure events, Concerts, Theatres, Cinemas and the like will be among of the last to be able to return to some sort of functioning, especially if Social Distancing remains for some time.

Rest assured though, as summer progresses we will be following closely the progress of the gradual ‘unlocking’ and taking on board all the recommendations and safeguards required by the Government to ensure, when it is possible to do so, the YPC will be singing again. When that time arrives, as I’m certain it will, we sincerely hope you all will have the confidence and desire to return to share again in the unrivalled experience of live music.

I can’t promise a regular update but please keep an eye on our website for future news and developments. Once again, thank you for your valued support and we look forward to seeing you again soon, until then, please stay safe.


Derek Howell Chairman of the YPC

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The Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir is a

Charitable Incorporated Organisation

Charity Number: 1123716

Company Number: 06515248



Rehearsals: Tuesday evenings 7.30-9.30pm in the QE Hall, Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Northgate, Wakefield, WF1 2DQ

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