Rompons le silence (break the silence)… coming to a website near you…
Covid-19 is turning our lives upside down at the moment – there is not one of us who is untouched by it one way or another. Tuesday night without a YPC rehearsal, without singing, feels oddly empty and silent.
And of course, one day this will all be over – and YPC will need to be at its best, as quickly as possible, in readiness for its next concert.
So, a team of YPC colleagues have worked with Andrew to break the silence! And once again, Tuesday night can become YPC rehearsal night – but this time, our rehearsal will be online, on the YPC member area of the website.
Not everything is in place yet, but the first ‘phase’ of the project is now live in the Member Area – and then more and more will be added, until Tuesday night is a busy, buzzing, singing experience – just like our normal rehearsals.
Andrew has prepared ‘warm up’ exercises and an initial ‘virtual rehearsal’ for us to use so that we can ensure our voices are the best they can be. And there will be more to follow!
The first virtual rehearsal is now available and we hope you enjoy it. We anticipate having a member forum in due course, where people can chat and keep up to date with one another.
You will need to tell us if this is working, if it is what you want, and if you need any help with accessing the files on the website. And critically, if you have any ideas about what else might be useful, entertaining …..or if you want to develop something yourself for the choir – then tell us (or rather, tell Derek).
It would be brilliant if every choir member who has access to a computer or a smartphone joins in with ‘Rompons le silence’ on a Tuesday evening, at our usual time of 7.30.
In anticipation, please make sure you know how to access the member page of the choir website, – Diane has done a huge amount of work on the website and it is now even easier than ever to find your way around, and log into, the members’ page.
Just go to the YPC Member’ ‘log In’ button on the top right hand of the page, and then either ‘log in’ if you already have an account, or ‘sign up’ if you haven’t done so yet. Don’t worry if you have forgotten your password – you can reset this. Then you need to go to the ‘Member Area’ page.
Looking forward to getting this off the ground and having a great sing on Tuesday evenings once again!
Gail Bowen, 24th March 2020