Our first virtual rehearsal - almost half the choir in attendance!

Forty two members of the choir joined in tonight at 7.30 for our first virtual rehearsal. This is a brilliant result and good to know that as each and every one of us was singing, our friends in the choir were singing along with us.
Even better, three people signed up to use the member area for the first time, which means we are not far off 100% of members using the member area of the website.
Hopefully you found the materials useful and enjoyable - and that you will be back next week for more!
Remember the 'rehearsal' files will be on the website to use throughout the period of the Covid 19 outbreak so they can be used at any time - and will hopefully be added to week by week.
Many thanks to Andrew for giving us such a great first virtual rehearsal and to Diane for the many hours of work she put in to getting the website ready.
Many thanks to everyone for joining in - and see you next week!