Fundraising - We All can Help
At the last meeting the Choir Committee had a discussion concerning all aspects of income, including Fundraising.
Fundraising is an important part of choir activities and it is something we would very much like all members to consider along the line of 'Is there anything I can do to help?'
We determined that although the 'one off' larger fundraising event is useful, compared to the time and effort often involved, the outcome can be less than satisfactory and in effect the 'little and often' approach is far preferable to the large staged event.
Hence we feature 'Heads and Tails' termly, supplemented by the occasional raffle, and local sales of garden produce etc.
These are excellent fundraisers and we would wish them to continue, (in fact we determined to make Heads and Tails a monthly activity with a £10 prize for each winner) and I and the Committee offer our sincere thanks to all of you who do bring items of produce for sale, please carry on.
However we would like to encourage more along the same lines, in particular we would like to have a monthly cake stall.
If you are a home baker (lady or gentleman) and would be willing to bake something extra to sell for choir funds each month, we want to hear from you. Please would you tell Pat Rosser who will initially coordinate you bakers! Once we have a group of people, we will designate one Tuesday per month (e.g. 3rd Tuesday each month) to have the cake stall and we will all know to bring some extra money to buy.
In addition, people often support charities by inviting friends to their home for coffee or afternoon tea and asking for donations. You may already do so. We want to suggest as many members as possible do this sometimes. You may like to split any donations you get at such events between a specific charity (e.g a Hospice, Cancer Research etc.) and the YPC.
This can be taken wider to invite people for lunch or dinner and to invite them to donate what they feel the restaurant cost of that meal would have been.
I am sure there are many other similar ideas and if you have any, again please have a word with Pat. If we can support you to start in any way we will. Finally concerning 'Give as You Live', it really is easy to register and name the YPC as your charity. Then all you have to do is to remember to click on the Give as You Live logo at the top of any site you are buying on line from e.g Amazon, and they will automatically send a donation of a % of the amount you have spent with them to your named Charity (i.e the YPC). I have asked Gary Morley to put something on the website to guide you, but most of you will be able to manage yourself.
It really is 'free money' to us even if in small amounts, please try it.
I hope all this helps, please have a go.
Best regards