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Give As You Live – The Story So Far

Every month, as the manager of all things web based for the YPC, I receive an email from the Give As You Live team which gives me an update of how many people have signed up to the App to support us, how much money has been spent by our supporters and how much has been donated to the YPC by the companies our Give As You Live supporters have shopped with.

I thought it might be good to share this information with you just to show you how good this application is for YPC:

Spotlight on Give as you Live: monthly report for YORKSHIRE PHILHARMONIC CHOIR LIMITED

  • 10 shoppers - NO CHANGE from 10 last month

  • 4 active shoppers in the last month - DOWN from 5 last month

  • £1,456.37 spent by your shoppers - UP from £1,361.58 last month

  • £55.71 raised so far - UP from £21.78 last month

So the total raised since October 2012, is £55.71. That's free money that has been given to the choir for no other reason than a choir member shopped on a supporting company's website.

To put it into context, that £55.71 can go towards paying any of the following:

  • More than 70% of the annual running costs of this website;

  • The average music hire for at least 3 members of the choir;

  • Nearly a quarter of the refreshment costs at one concert;

  • Nearly half of the costs of printing concert tickets for people who don't buy online; and

  • almost 40% of the cost to hire Mulberry House, our rehearsal venue, for 1 term.

There are no personal details shared. We don't get told what people actually purchased and you need never put any bank details into the Give As You Live system. They don't need your bank details as they get all the donations from the company you shop with.

Please see the details on our homepage.

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The Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir is a

Charitable Incorporated Organisation

Charity Number: 1123716

Company Number: 06515248



Rehearsals: Tuesday evenings 7.30-9.30pm in the QE Hall, Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Northgate, Wakefield, WF1 2DQ

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