Christmas is Coming...
This Christmas will see the YPC as busy as ever in a variety of events. These begin with good old fashioned 'outdoor carolling around the Christmas tree', as part of the Granary Wharf Christmas Event in Leeds on Sunday Afternoon 2nd December. Here the choir will present two singing spots, singing a mix of traditional carols and popular Christmas Songs, getting the audience involved as much as possible. Come along and join the fun in Granary Wharf from 4.00pm.
On then to 6 December for a School Outreach Event at Streethouse Primary School. Where interaction with the children is the name of the game. Showing melody, harmony, musical fun and also the beauty of music to young ears, hoping to begin in them a love for music which will be lifelong.
''The Phil's Christmas Cracker' follows on Saturday 15th December at 7.30 in the Jubilee Hall of Wakefield Girls High School (see links on this website). The YPC's Annual Christmas extravaganza always features a wide variety of Christmas Music and audience carols which delights all ages. Together with a Brass Quintet and the WGHS Junior School Choir, who will bring their own freshness to the evening. It promises, as ever, to be one of the highlights of the season in Wakefield. (See links for tickets)
Then to complete the variety, a Christmas Recital in the De Vere Oulton Hall Hotel near Rothwell on Tuesday afternoon 18th December for the Ladies who Lunch Organisation.
Yes Christmas is coming and the YPC is raring to go and give of its best throughout the season. We hope to see you sometime over the Christmas period, especially at our Concert on 15 December.
A Merry Christmas to everyone and we hope to see you at our concerts in the New Year, as we continue with our exciting Diamond Jubilee Season.