Diamond Jubilee Season 2012 – 2013
Since July 2011 the Diamond Jubilee Steering and Planning Committee have been working hard to put in place a spread of memorable events, activities and reminders which will help us all to celebrate this significant milestone in the Choir’s history.
One of the purposes of posting this well in advance of the start of the season is to encourage everyone to put these dates and events in your diary. We have not overcrowded the calendar and hopefully the nature of some of the events, will be enjoyable and fun for all.
So, on to the details:
There will be 4 concerts in this season:
Saturday 3rd November 2012. ‘The Diamond Decades’ a concert featuring choral classics sung by the choir in the 6 decades of its existence. This concert will be in the WHGS Jubilee Hall, Margaret Street.
Saturday 15th December 2012. ‘Christmas Concert’ a concert including Christmas Carols chosen by the choir.
Saturday 20th April 2013. ‘ Bach’s B Minor Mass’ hopefully, ‘Bach’ in the Cathedral!
Saturday 29th June 2013 our ‘Diamond Jubilee Celebration Concert’ featuring the first performance in this area of Karl Jenkins’ ‘The Peacemakers’ and also John Rutter’s ‘Gloria’
This concert will feature a special, limited edition, Souvenir Concert Programme and Brochure.
The YPC Former and Retired Members Association
We will be taking the opportunity in this Diamond Jubilee year to launch an official ‘Alumni’ Association. There will be no cost to be a member and there will be certain annual benefits.
Social and Fun Events
Choir Reunion Lunch: possibly linking to the last item, on Saturday 15th June 2013 we will be hosting our first Choir Reunion at Holmfield House Hotel. We have elected to hold a lunchtime buffet where we host as many former members and their families as can get there. The price of attending for everyone will be £15, (£10 children).
You could say that we want this to be our focus social event for the year and we want to ensure as many former and retired members are contacted and properly invited. Lists of former and retired members are currently being put together in order that invitation cards can be sent this Autumn. We also want to contact people wherever they are in the world and to possibly give them chance either to return to these shores and include this Reunion Event in that visit, or, if that is not possible to send an email, with perhaps a reminiscence of their time in YPC.
If you are a former choir member please email Derek@yorksphilchoir.co.uk for further info.
You can’t have a Jubilee without mementoes and, as at our 50th anniversary, we will have a limited stock of a few items, some to keep, some to use and some for both. Each item will have the Diamond Jubilee logo or motif. More information to follow in the Products and Services section of our website at the start of the season.
Choir Tour to Northern France
8th to 13th August 2013
To round off the Diamond Jubilee season we will be spending 5 days in Northern France. We hope to sing recitals in Bayeux and Caen Cathedrals and also Eglise St Germain in L’Argentan or another similar venue.
Tours are always memorable and fun and we would be pleased to see any members of our regular audience if they happen to have holidays planned near by.
There you have it. I hope you feel from reading this that we are in for an exciting and enjoyable Jubilee Season and one in which you will want to take full part!