Upcoming 2014-15 Season Summary
So what's the YPC Performing next season - here it is in a nut-shell. Get the dates in your diary and order your tickets as soon as you...
Avoid the Midsummer Rush.
It's less than 2 weeks to 'Magical Mozart for Midsummer's Day' so if you've not yet bought your tickets for what will be a wonderful...
Come and share Midsummer's Eve with us...and Mozart
Here's an invitation you surely wouldn't want to refuse - a glorious Midsummer's Evening, wonderful music, an interval glass of wine all...
A Few things you need to know
Dear All, This is a bit of an all in one message, trying to deal with a few things all at once, so you are not flooded out with emails....
The Sun in Splendour
If you like a good story, then the first concert of our 2013/14 season in Wakefield Cathedral on Saturday Evening 16th November is not to...